Cases of Alzheimer being reversed with Intranasal Light Therapy

"The convention is that Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible. The doctors I know say so. So does the Alzheimer’s Association. Based on the literature on what transcranial  photobiomodulation on the brain can do (the devices are put on the skull to shine light energy into the brain) and from what I have seen with the Vielight intranasal light therapy  for other brain conditions, I wouldn’t be surprised."

"Cases of Alzheimer being reversed with Intranasal Light Therapy" source

What Is Integrative Medicine?

"At age 68, Martha McInnis has had her share of health woes: breast cancerhigh cholesterolclogged arteriesosteoporosis, and scoliosis -- curvature of the spine. Once a year she journeys from her home in Alabama to the Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina where an internist, endocrinologist, and other specialists monitor her with blood tests, X-rays, bone scans, and other tests."

"What Is Integrative Medicine" source

MedicLight’s Intranasal Low Level Laser Blood Irradiation Impact on Red Blood Cell Aggregation

"Numerous low level laser therapy (“LLLT”) studies provide positive evidence on LLLT as a successful method to treat a number of diseases. It has also been tested over many years as a successful method for pain management. Our own tests on blood irradiation through intranasal light therapy have been pointing towards the conclusion that it can at least deal with diseases and health disorders related to impaired blood circulation caused by high red blood cell aggregation, hypertension being the major one.

"MedicLight’s Intranasal Low Level Laser Blood Irradiation – Impact on Red Blood Cell Aggregation" source