Was Natural Medicine Destroyed in 1910?

"The Move that Changed the Health and Wellbeing Industry
I am now 68 and over the years I have relied upon alternative medical solutions for almost all my health problems."

"Was Natural Medicine Destroyed in 1910?" source

"A change in diet, herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of exercise ended up being almost all the medicine I ever needed! In 2010, when I was 61, I cured myself of arthritis with vitamins and minerals alone. I had suffered since I was in my 20s. My doctors said arthritis was not curable, but Western medicine was wrong about arthritis. After that simple cure, I quit suffering, became skeptical, and started to research the history of medicine in North America. What I discovered is astonishing!

From a young age, I was fascinated by medical technology. When I was about 7 years old, in 1956, a very old lady next door was using an antique electric muscle stimulation tool on her leg muscles, which were stiff. She said it made her feel better. I was fascinated as a child to see her leg muscles pulsing from the electric field. When I asked our family doctor what that electric stimulation tool was about, he told me it was all ‘quack medicine’ that did nothing at all.

In 1963, I was 14 years old. My parents went on holidays in Barbados and left me with a Latvian couple who had a farm outside Hamilton, Ontario. They grew many mysterious plants called ‘medicinal herbs’ on their farm for healing. When they told me about herbalism in Latvia, I was astounded to know that medicines came from herbs. My parents knew nothing about herbs as medicine. In all my schooling up to that point, ‘herbs for medicine’ was a topic that never came up. When I researched it at the local library, I found that herbs had been used as medicine for thousands of years. How did the history of herbal medicine become virtually erased by the mid 20th century?" source, read more